The following is an entry that was to be prior to "Multitasking" made the cut. "Multitasking" exists because I didn't realize a draft was saved when the plug was pulled. But Max grows and earns more and more "lasts" - last time he said "sawwy?" I don't know; last time he said "help you?" no clue. I'd forgotten he'd ever said it, which now that I recall it, is devastating. So I will publish this belated blog entry. If for nothing else, but to help me remember.
One of the things I'd like Max to learn is manners. It may seem trivial, or even meaningless at this point in his life. Sometimes I wonder myself, but I also feel that it's never to early to start good habits.
Max's language is developing at an awesome pace. I just marvel at what he can say. I think back to those developmental checkpoints Dave and I felt obligated to check to make sure we weren't missing any red flags in Max's formative months. A few months back, one stated that he should be able to say 10 words in context. There Dave and I sat, counting, thinking, "Hi, Mommy, Daddy, more, eat, etc.", feeling confident that he had mastered the minimum requirement for his age, if not surpassing the goal. Now, I could probably sit for 10 straight minutes and not be able to list every word he can say. And he knows meanings for them and can even string several together to make a beautiful statement (of sorts). Some of the words he knows now, and uses regularly, even without prompting are "Please (peece, in a hushed whisper), thank you, sorry (the typical sawwee), and hi." I feel an enormous pride when someone gives him something and he says thank you all on his own.
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